Esegui i passi indicati per installare CardRecoveryPro sul tuo PC.
CardRecoveryPro™ è un software per l’aggiornamento dei driver completo e facile da utilizzare, e può aiutarti a scaricare quasi tutti i driver per il tuo PC, risolvere problemi legati ai driver e mantenerli sempre aggiornati. È uno strumento avanzato che supporta oltre 20 milioni di driver di periferiche.

Quando appare la finestra di dialogo "Download file", fai clic su "Esegui".

Seleziona la lingua desiderata e quindi fai clic sul pulsante "OK".

Segui le istruzioni per completare l'installazione di CardRecoveryPro™.

Fai clic sull'icona di CardRecoveryPro sul desktop per iniziare la scansione della scheda di memoria.

Credits of CardRecoveryPro:
Many cool open source programs were use in cardrecoverypro, and thanks to all these programs authors:
Libraw: http://www.libraw.org/, source code here, They have 3 license options, we choose LGPL(GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2.1), See file LGPL for details.
GrandRecovery 0.1: http://fly.s31.xrea.com/, source code here, this program released under GPL(GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE) 2.0 or later,See GPL for details.
Zlib:http://zlib.net/, source code here, zlib license here
Tinyxml:http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml, source code here, use the same license as zlib.
Curl:http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/, source code here, the license is "AS IS" basis.
Windows Template Library - WTL version 8.1, license under CPL1.0, see CPL for details.
Lionsea software didn't modify any of the source code of the program(or lib) above in this product relase, CardRecoveryPro is comply with all above programs license.
Many cool open source programs were use in cardrecoverypro, and thanks to all these programs authors:
Libraw: http://www.libraw.org/, source code here, They have 3 license options, we choose LGPL(GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2.1), See file LGPL for details.
GrandRecovery 0.1: http://fly.s31.xrea.com/, source code here, this program released under GPL(GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE) 2.0 or later,See GPL for details.
Zlib:http://zlib.net/, source code here, zlib license here
Tinyxml:http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml, source code here, use the same license as zlib.
Curl:http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/, source code here, the license is "AS IS" basis.
Windows Template Library - WTL version 8.1, license under CPL1.0, see CPL for details.
Lionsea software didn't modify any of the source code of the program(or lib) above in this product relase, CardRecoveryPro is comply with all above programs license.